TERMINATOR SALVATION (2009) Directed by : McG Screenplay : John D. Brancato & Micheal Ferris Starring : Christian Bale, Sam Worthingto...

Terminator Salvation
Info Post
Blockbusters, B-movies, Kung-fu, Car Chases and Explosions. Reviews, past & present, of cinema's most underappreciated genre. A Steel Shark Production.
TERMINATOR SALVATION (2009) Directed by : McG Screenplay : John D. Brancato & Micheal Ferris Starring : Christian Bale, Sam Worthingto...
LA BOUNTY (1989) Directed by : Worth Keeter Screenplay : Michael W. Leighton Starring : Sybil Danning, Wings Hauser & Lenore Kasdorf A...