A snippet from my Cool Target review of the Jesse Johnson action film Charlie Valentine has made it onto the front cover of the Region 2 D...

Blockbusters, B-movies, Kung-fu, Car Chases and Explosions. Reviews, past & present, of cinema's most underappreciated genre. A Steel Shark Production.
A snippet from my Cool Target review of the Jesse Johnson action film Charlie Valentine has made it onto the front cover of the Region 2 D...
S.I.S: SPECIAL INVESTIGATION SECTION (2008) Written & Directed by : John Herzfeld Starring : Matt Nable, Peter Stebbings, Omari Hardwick...
My new review of Chanbara Striptease at Far East Films ( www.fareastfilms.com ) http://www.fareastfilms.com/reviewsPage/Chanbara-Stripteas...
CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE (2010) Written & Directed by : Brain A. Miller Starring : Chris Klein, Adam Rodriguez, 50 Cent Ho hum cop thrill...
WRONG SIDE OF TOWN (2010) Directed by : David DeFalco Screenplay : David DeFalco & Marquito Sanchez Starring : Rob Van Dam, Dave Batista...
My new review of The Sniper at Far East Films ( www.fareastfilms.com ) http://www.fareastfilms.com/reviewsPage/The-Sniper-2354.htm
THE LEGEND IS BORN: IP MAN (2010) Directed by : Herman Yau S creenplay : Erica Lee Starring : Yu-Hang To, Bernice Liu, Yuen Biao, Ip Chun Wh...
DAMAGE (2009) Directed by : Jeff King Written by : Frank Hannah Starring : Steve Austin, Walton Goggins Donnelly Rhodes, Laura Vandervoort B...
The Japan Society are very excited to unveil their 2010-2011 Monthly Classics series ZEN & ITS OPPOSITE: Essential (& Turbulent) Ja...
My new review of Kamui: The Lone Ninja at Far East Films ( www.fareastfilms.com ) http://www.fareastfilms.com/reviewsPage/Kamui-The-Lone-Ni...