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Friday, June 20, 2008

Info Post


Directed by: Colin Budds
Screenplay: P.A. Kinloch
Starring: Carl Weathers, Cassandra Delaney & Jurgen Prochnow

A rather generic though fairly entertaining vehicle for one time Rocky star, Carl Weathers. Obviously trying to surf the wave of success his first starring film, Action Jackson, stirred up, Hurricane Smith ambles along pleasantly enough never really igniting until the no holds barred, gun-toting finale. You’ve seen it all before: Weathers plays a tough American who goes in search of his missing sister and comes up against Jurgen Prochnow’s scummy Euro bad guy. A bit of culture clash, a touch of romance and eventually a heap of action occurs as Weathers brings his watchable brand of no nonsense hero to Australia’s gold coast.

The setting it perhaps the best thing about Hurricane Smith. The Australian city backdrop provides an original setting for the usual tough guy vs. bad guys’ action and is a novel change from the usual locals of LA and New York. The fish out of water aspect is played down somewhat with only really the Australian’s getting pissed off at a Yank showing up in their neck of the woods. Another pleasant surprise is Cassandra Delaney who brings a real human touch to the character who helps and eventually falls in love with Weather’s hero. She is a touch of class in amongst all the brawn and her chemistry with Weathers is infectious.

Unfortunately Hurricane never really whips up a storm and only musters intermittent tension that it so desperately needs. Weathers is fine and Prochnow requisitely evil but the film never really finds any oomph. There are a couple of fights and a car chase but most of the action is saved for the finale. Here the film goes into overdrive with insane stunts, a nifty speed boat chase (you just don’t see enough of those) and enough firepower and shotgun shells expelled to leave Pekinpah in a state of glee.

Entertaining and easy going if a little bland in spots, Hurricane Smith is worthwhile to see Weathers in his action prime, Delaney’s classy heroine and the stunt packed finale. However, less said about the god awful music the better. It’s no Action Jackson but Hurricane Smith delivers just enough bang to recommend it.


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